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Over the Wire - Bandit 12

Bandit 12 Objective The password for the next level is stored in the file  data.txt , where all lowercase (a-z) and uppercase (A-Z) letters have been rotated by 13 positions Solution This level has the password in data.txt but it has been encrypted with a Cesar cipher with a 13 position shift.  This is also called ROT13 if you wanna google around for it. we can read the file and pipe it into the translate command 'tr' the basic syntax is tr 'original  dataset' 'translated dataset' so to decode the syntax a bit more The Original data set is A-Z in uppercase and a-z in lower case but we want it to translate where the alphabet is shifted over 13 chacters so a becomes n, b becomes o..... and so on so the translated data set is broken out to N-ZA-M  for upper case so use the alphabet in this order where the first letter of the alphabet is N and the last letter is M and then the same thing for lowercase characters bandit11@bandit:~$ cat  data.txt...