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Showing posts with the label strings

PicoCTF2018 - Miscellaneous - Stings

PicoCTF2018 - Miscellaneous - Strings Objectives Can you find the flag in this file [1]  without actually running it? You can also find the file in /problems/strings_1_c7bac958dd6a4b695dc72446d8014f59 on the shell server. Solutions Connect up to the shell and cd to the appropriate folder @pico-2018-shell:/$ cd /problems/strings_1_c7bac958dd6a4b695dc72446d8014f59                                  @pico-2018-shell:/problems/strings_1_c7bac958dd6a4b695dc72446d8014f59$ ls                                    strings Let's run strings and see what it does @pico-2018-shell:/problems/strings_1_c7bac958dd6a4b695dc72446d8014f59$ ./strings                                Have you ever used the 'strings' function? Check out the man pages! Okay let's check out the man like the hint says man Strings STRINGS(1)                                       GNU Development Tools                                       STRINGS(1)