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Showing posts with the label Bandit 22

Over the Wire - Bandit 22

Bandit 22 Objective A program is running automatically at regular intervals from  cron , the time-based job scheduler. Look in  /etc/cron.d/  for the configuration and see what command is being executed. Solution lets see what's in cron.d bandit21@bandit:~$ cd  /etc/cron.d bandit21@bandit:/etc/cron.d$ ls cronjob_bandit22  cronjob_bandit23  cronjob_bandit24 cool there is a file called cronjob_bandit22 lets see whats inside bandit21@bandit:/etc/cron.d$ cat cronjob_bandit22 @reboot bandit22 /usr/bin/ &> /dev/null * * * * * bandit22 /usr/bin/ &> /dev/null ok lets see whats in that file #!/bin/bash chmod 644 /tmp/t7O6lds9S0RqQh9aMcz6ShpAoZKF7fgv cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit22 > /tmp/t7O6lds9S0RqQh9aMcz6ShpAoZKF7fgv let's decode that a bit ok there is a chmod which change the permissions for a file in the tmp directory named  t7O6lds9S0RqQh9aMcz6ShpAoZKF7fgv which give the owner of the file read/write but