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Showing posts with the label Reversing warmup 1

PicoCTF2018 – Reverse Engineering – reversing warmup 1

PicoCTF2018 – Reverse Engineering – reversing warmup 1 Objective: Throughout your journey you will have to run many programs. Can you navigate to /problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c on the shell server and run this program [1]   to retreive the flag? Hints: 1) If you are searching online, it might be worth finding how to exeucte a program in command line. Solution: So this is a warmup so it is super simple I just connected up to the shell, cd’d to the problem folder pico-2018-shell:/problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c$ ls run so there is program in there called run . @pico-2018-shell:/problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c$ ./run picoCTF{welc0m3_t0_r3VeRs1nG} there is the flag