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Showing posts with the label Hex Editor

PicoCTF2018 - Forensics - hex editor

PicoCTF2018 - Forensics - hex editor Objective: This cat [1]  has a secret to teach you. You can also find the file in /problems/hex-editor_3_086632ac634f394afd301fb6a8dbadc6 on the shell server. Solution: so from the objective it looks like our flag will be in the hex of the picutre. I downloaded the picture and openend it with hexeditor @kali:/home$ hexeditor /home/***********/Downloads/hex_editor.jpg Since we now the flag starts with I used W to search for pico, I chose search for text string File: /home/*****************/Dow   ASCII Offset: 0x00000000 / 0x00012975 ()  00000000  FF D8 FF E0  00 10 4A 46   49 46 00 01  01 00 00 01   ......JFIF...... 00000010  00 01 00 00  FF DB 00 43   00 05 03 04  04 04 03 05   .......C........ 00000020  04 04 04 05  05 05 06 07   0C 08 07 07  07 07 0F 0B   ................ 00000030  0B 09 0C 11  0F 12 12 11   0F 11 11 13  16 1C 17 13   ................ 00000040  14 1A 15 11  11 18 21 18   1A 1D 1D 1F  1F 1F 13 17   ......!...