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Over the wire Natas Level 6

Over the wire Natas Level 6 Objective: Get password for Level 7 Solution: So we have a text box with the label Input Secret and a submit query button Lets check the source code again. Here it looks like the form is taking our password we provide and checking it against another password stored In a variable $_Post[‘secret’] <? include "includes/";     if(array_key_exists("submit", $_POST)) {         if($secret == $_POST['secret']) {         print "Access granted. The password for natas7 is <censored>";     } else {         print "Wrong secret";     }     } ?> Let’s see if we can just get to that file /includes/ and see if we can see the key in there Looks like just a blank white page… but it did load so the thing exists, lets check the source for it <? $secret =