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Showing posts with the label Main 7

Hack This - Main 7

Hack This - Main 7 Objectives ​The password is again stored in a txt file. This time however it is not as straight forward as viewing the source. You wouldn't even find the page by using a search engine as search bots have been excluded. Solution Wooooop secret words in the hint **** seach bots have been exclude******* alright kids we all know what search bots use right? let's all say it at once Robot.txt that's right robots.txt. Good job kids lets see if we can use that to our advantage here with out digging into the source code at all User-agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /contact.php Disallow: /inbox/ Disallow: /levels/ Disallow: /levels/extras/userpass.txt Disallow: /users/ Disallow: /ctf/8/php/* User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: Yahoo Pipes 1.0 Disallow: / User-agent: KSCrawler Disallow: / User-agent: Spinn3r Disallow: / Sitemap: Dissalow:/levels/extras/userp...