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Showing posts with the label Bandit 7

Over the Wire - Bandit 7

Bandit 7 Objectives Level GoalThe password for the next level is stored  somewhere on the server  and has all of the following properties: owned by user bandit7 owned by group bandit6 33 bytes in size Solution so we are looking for a file owned by user bandit7 and group bandit 6 somwhere on the server...... I started by cd .. all the way up to root with the comman find * -user bandit7 -group bandit6 bandit6@bandit:/$ find * -user bandit7 -group bandit6 find: ‘boot/lost+found’: Permission denied find: ‘cgroup2/csessions’: Permission denied find: ‘etc/ssl/private’: Permission denied find: ‘etc/lvm/backup’: Permission denied find: ‘etc/lvm/archive’: Permission denied find: ‘etc/polkit-1/localauthority’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit28-git’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit30-git’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit31-git’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit5/inhere’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit27-git’: Permission denied find: ‘home/bandit...