RingZero CTF - Cyptography - Your're Drunk Problem: Ayowe awxewr nwaalfw die tiy rgw fklf ua xgixiklrw! Tiy lew qwkxinw. Solution: So just looking at this one it looks like its formatted as a sentence. There is spacing between words, punctuation and capitalization. At fist I thought Cesar cipher, but I ran through some shifts and none of them came back with english words. So then I though substitution cipher. We know from frequency analysis of the English language some good starting points. The most common letter would be "E" The most common double letters would be "OO", "EE" and"SS" so let start with that and see what we can come up with This site is a great resource for some of the assumptions I'm making here ( http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/monoalphabetic-substitution-category/simple-substitution/ ) I used this website to count the letter frequency for me ( https://www.dcode.fr/frequency-analysis ) ...
@circusmonkey404 on the twitters; DM for contact