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Showing posts with the label RingZer0 Can you understand this sentece

RingzeroCTF - Crypt - Can you understand this sentence?

RingZeroCTF – Cyrpto – Can you understand this sentence Objective : get the flag Solution: Bubble Babble I had to google around on this one a bit to figure out that it was a bubble babble. I had never heard of it but it is just essentially another way of encoding HEX so that it looks at bit more palatable to the human eye. I tried my Google-Fu to find an online decrypter/Deoder but didn’t find anything, I did however find this site with a PHP script that can both endcode and decode bubble babble I downloaded the bubblebabble.php I dumped the message into a text file to feed into the PHP script root@kali:~/Downloads# echo "xipak-comok-repuk-vanik-dytuk-dimyk-sinyx" >> bubble.txt Then I pushed that through the PHP decoding script root@kali:~/Downloads# php ./bubblebabble.php   -d bubble.txt hackingbubble