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Showing posts with the label Reverse Engineering

PicoCTF 2018 – Reverse Engineering - assembly 0

PicoCTF 2018 – Reverse Engineering   - assembly 0 Objective: What does asm0(0xb6,0xc6) return? Submit the flag as a hexadecimal value (starting with '0x'). NOTE: Your submission for this question will NOT be in the normal flag format. Source [1]   located in the directory at /problems/assembly-0_0_5a220faedfaf4fbf26e6771960d4a359. Hints: (1)     basical assembly tutorial [2]   (2) assembly registers [3] Source: .intel_syntax noprefix .bits 32                 .global asm0 asm0:                 push       ebp                                                                         mov        ebp,esp                 mov        eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]                 mov        ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]                 mov        eax,ebx                 mov        esp,ebp                 pop         ebp                         ret Solution: So   I spent about an hour watching youtube videos to try and understand assembly language

PicoCTF 2018 – Reverse Engineering - Reversing Warmup2

PicoCTF 2018 – Reverse Engineering   - Reversing Warmup 2 Objective: Can you decode the following string dGg0dF93NHNfczFtcEwz from base64 format to ASCII? Hints: (1) Submit your answer in our competition's flag format. For example, if you answer was 'hello', you would submit 'picoCTF{hello}' as the flag. Solution: @pico-2018-shell:/problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c$ echo dGg0dF93NHNfczFtcEwz | base64 --decode th4t_w4s_s1mpL3 picoCTF{ th4t_w4s_s1mpL3}

PicoCTF2018 – Reverse Engineering – reversing warmup 1

PicoCTF2018 – Reverse Engineering – reversing warmup 1 Objective: Throughout your journey you will have to run many programs. Can you navigate to /problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c on the shell server and run this program [1]   to retreive the flag? Hints: 1) If you are searching online, it might be worth finding how to exeucte a program in command line. Solution: So this is a warmup so it is super simple I just connected up to the shell, cd’d to the problem folder pico-2018-shell:/problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c$ ls run so there is program in there called run . @pico-2018-shell:/problems/reversing-warmup-1_1_b416a2d0694c871d8728d8268d84ac5c$ ./run picoCTF{welc0m3_t0_r3VeRs1nG} there is the flag