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Showing posts with the label Mr. Robtos

picoCTF2018 – web – Mr. Robots

picoCTF2018 – web – Mr. Robots Objective: Do you see the same things I see? The glimpses of the flag hidden away? (link [1] ) Hints: (1)     What part of the website could tell you where the creator doesn't want you to look? Solution: So the name and hints are telling use to look at robots.txt which is a file that is used to have search engines not scan certain directories Lets check the robots.txt for this site User-agent: * Disallow: /143ce.html Ok they don’t want the robots to look at 143ce.html So much depends upon a red flag picoCTF{th3_w0rld_1s_4_danger0us_pl4c3_3lli0t_143ce}