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Showing posts with the label ysoerial

Hackthebox - Retired - JSON

Hackthebox - Retired - JSON Recon As always I start with a simple up/down scan on all TCP ports for a staged scan nmap -T4 -p- -oX ./nmapb.xml Then I convert the output to HTML # xsltproc ./nmapb.xml -o ./nmapb.html That's a lot of open ports Lets scan just those ports with the -A switch to finger os/services # nmap -T4 -p21,80,135,139,445,5985,47001,49152,49153,49154,49155,49156,49157,4915 -A -oX ./nmapf.xml Then convert that to HTML # xsltproc ./nmapf.xml -o ./nmapf.html Looks like we got a windows box with a Filezilla FTP on 21, IIS on 80 and netbios/smb, with RPC on 5985 Let's start poking around. SMB is open but no shares for anonymous Same story for FTP At least 80 is open, there is a page displayed briefly then it redirects to this login page Same old song for rpc Dirb found r oot@kali:~/Desktop/HTB/json# dirb ----------------- DIRB v2.22     By The Da...