Ringzer0CTF – Linux – Level2 Objective: Get the flag…… I don’t know what else to put here Find architect password User: morpheus Password: VNZDDLq2x9qXCzVdABbR1HOtz ssh challenges.ringzer0team.com port 10148 Solution: Ok so we login with the same user/pass of the last level and now need to find another password So this one took a bit of time for a refresher for me. First I tried the same process we did for the last level to see if we could find a command running with the password like we did for trinity…. Nope Ok so Let’s just search the entire files system for “architect” Lets get to / Cd ../ morpheus@lxc-sysadmin:/$ ls backup bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt nohup.out opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var ok now my first iteration here was just grep -r “architect” That ...
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