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Over the Wire - Bandit 6

Bandit 6 Objectives The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the  inhere  directory and has all of the following properties: ​ human-readable 1033 bytes in size not executable Solution So we need to find a file that could be in a number of differnt directories that is a not an excutable, human readable and 1033 bytes I'm assuming the file size will be the best place to start to weed out the multiples files listed so we will use find bandit5@bandit:~$ find ./ -type f -size 1033c ./inhere/maybehere07/.file2 Bam only one file let's cat that bad boy and see if the password is in there bandit5@bandit:~/inhere$ cat ./maybehere07/.file2 DXjZPULLxYr17uwoI01bNLQbtFemEgo7 Not to hard now let's do it with python #Import os module import os #Import math and time module import math,time #Set listing start location dir_count = 0 file_count = 0 #Traverse directory tree for (path,dirs,files) in os.walk(os.curdir):          dir_coun

Over the Wire - Bandit 5

Bandit 5 Objectives The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the  inhere directory. Tip: if your terminal is messed up, try the “reset” command. Solution Ok so after we login we see a familiar inhere directory listed in the home directory for bandit 4 lets see whats in there bandit4@bandit:~$ cd ./inhere/ && ls -l total 40 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file00 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file01 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file02 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file03 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file04 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file05 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file06 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file07 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file08 -rw-r----- 1 bandit5 bandit4 33 Oct 16  2018 -file09 we see 10 files named in the convention -file0*  let's see what type of files the

Over the Wire - Bandit 4

Bandit 4 Objectives The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the  inhere  directory. Solution after connecting up let's see whats in the home directory bandit3@bandit:~$ ls inhere ok there is a directory called in here..... I bet there is something in there cd ./inhere let's ls again to see what the folder contains bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ ls bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$  it doesn't show anything. Let's try it with -a switch which will list all files in the folder even hidden ones bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ ls -a .  ..  .hidden cool, cool, cool there is a file their name .hidden let's see what kind of file it is ​ bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ file .hidden .hidden: ASCII text ok anonther text file bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ cat .hidden pIwrPrtPN36QITSp3EQaw936yaFoFgAB so here is the password for the next level pIwrPrtPN36QITSp3EQaw936yaFoFgAB ​now lets do it with python pytbandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ python >>

Over the Wire - Bandit 3

Bandit 3 Objectives The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the  inhere  directory. Solution as always lets start with and ls to see what is in the home directory bandit2@bandit:~$ ls spaces in this filename so there is a file named "spaces in this filename" lets find out what kind of file this is bandit2@bandit:~$ file ./spaces\ in\ this\ filename ./spaces in this filename: ASCII text so we know its an ascii text file cat ./spaces\ in\ this\ filename bandit2@bandit:~$ cat ./spaces\ in\ this\ filename UmHadQclWmgdLOKQ3YNgjWxGoRMb5luK so we have the password for the next level........ now lets do it with python >>> import os >>> var = "cat /home/bandit2/spaces\ in\ this\ filename" >>> os.system(var) UmHadQclWmgdLOKQ3YNgjWxGoRMb5luK 0 >>> exit()

Over the Wire - Bandit 1

Bandit 1 The goal of this level is for you to log into the game using SSH. The host to which you need to connect is , on port 2220. The username is  bandit0  and the password is  bandit0 . Once logged in, go to the  Level 1  page to find out how to beat Level 1.  Since this isn't the first time I've done a lot of the bandit levels I knew I was going to be constantly creating new SSH connections to the bandit servers. So I wrote this little python script that will prompt for the level and password and automatically connect my SSH connection to the bandit server. If you don't have sshpass you can apt install it                                              sudo apt install sshpass import os banditvar = raw_input("Banditlevel?") #print banditvar banditpass = raw_input("Levelpass?") banditdomain = " " banditport ="-p 2220" bandittotal = "bandit" + banditvar +

Over the Wire - Bandit 2

Bandit 2 Objectives ​ The password for the next level is stored in a file called  readme  located in the home directory. Use this password to log into bandit1 using SSH. Whenever you find a password for a level, use SSH (on port 2220) to log into that level and continue the game. Solution I used my script to connect to level 1 using the password we retrieved from level 1 Let's ls to see what is in the home directory for bandit1 bandit1@bandit:~$ ls - that's a bit funky it just lists a hyphen as the content of the home directory, lets look at the file named - bandit1@bandit:~$ file ./- ./-: ASCII text okay so we know it just a txt file. cat ./- bandit1@bandit:~$ cat ./- CV1DtqXWVFXTvM2F0k09SHz0YwRINYA9 but I'm trying to force myself to learn python so even though we have the answer I'm not going to stop there. pythobandit1@bandit:~$ python Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux2 Type "h