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Showing posts with the label webshell

HacktheBox - bashed - Retired - Update

HacktheBox - bashed - Retired - Update Recon I've been using threader3000 to do my recon scan lately. It does a super fast up/down scan on all TCP ports, then suggests an nmap scan to run based on just the open ports found on the first scan. It also saves the nmap results as a XML, which I then convert to HTML to make it pretty. xsltproc ./bashed.htb/bashed.htb.xml -o ./bashed.html Just one open port, port 80 Nmap says it's Apache 2.4.18, and it's likely an Ubuntu box. Let's see what we is being shown to us when we browse to the site. Phpbash? A quick google search lands us on this github It's a php webshell, and the author says "I actually developed it on this exact server" And it looks like the author of the github is also the person who made this box. Arrexel I think that means there is a webshell somewhere on this server if we can find it. I tried the name listed in the github to see if I could get to the webshell Bot