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De-ICE: S1.140 - Write up

De-ICE: S1.140,57/ I've been doing a lot of boxes, I've decided to take a small break from those and focus on other vuln boxes for a while, A colleague told me about these ICE boxes he did for labs during school. So  I decided to check them out. Recon Since these are live CD's the first thing I need to do is find out the ip address of the live CD VM i'm running. My home network is so I started with a small updown nmap scan of my entire subnet to find the target VM nmap -T4 -oX /root/Desktop/ice/nmap.xml I then converted the XML output to HTML to make it pretty xsltproc /root/Desktop/ice/nmap.xml -o /root/Desktop/ice/nmap.html Found the target at So now let's rescan the open ports with the -A switch to finger the OS/Services Let's recap what we found Port 21 PROFTPD 1.3.4a Port 22 OPenSSH 5.9p1 Port 80 Apa