Hackthebox.eu - Retired- Magic Recon As always I start with a simple up/down scan using nmap on all TCP ports. $ nmap -T4 -p- -oX ./nmapb.xml magic.htb Then I convert the xml output to HTML ot make it pretty xsltproc ./nmapb.xml -o ./nmapb.html Not much open just 22 and 80 Let's scan those ports with -A to run all the scripts against those ports $ nmap -T4 -A -p22,80 -oX ./nmapf.xml magic.htb Then convert that to HTML too xsltproc ./nmapf.xml -o ./nmapf.html Looks like openSSH 7.6p1 on 22 and Apache 2.4.29 on 80 Let's see what he web server is serving up Looks like a photo gallery web app And there is a login page http://magic.htb/login.php Tried admin/admin for the hell of it Exploit What's a little SQLi between friends right? The second thing I tried was admin'or'1'='1 for the user name Well that was quick Tried uploading a php file and got this error message Dirb found some other folder around Looks like there is an upload folder under images…. I assume...
@circusmonkey404 on the twitters; DM for contact