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PicoCTF2018 - Miscellaneous - Grep

PicoCTF2018 - Miscellaneous - Grep


Can you find the flag in file [1] ? This would be really obnoxious to look through by hand, see if you can find a faster way. You can also find the file in /problems/grep-1_3_8d9cff3d178c231ab735dfef3267a1c2 on the shell server.


I just started by cat'ing the file to see what's in it here is a snippet of the result

ico-2018-shell:/problems/grep-1_3_8d9cff3d178c231ab735dfef3267a1c2$ cat file


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Since we know that flags start with picoCTF2018 let's grep for that

pico-2018-shell:/problems/grep-1_3_8d9cff3d178c231ab735dfef3267a1c2$ grep 'pico' file                          



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