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RingZer0 CTF – Cryptography – Fashion Victim

RingZer0 – Cryptography – Fashion Victim


Get the flag


On this page we see a picture of a on old apple computer with the tag of The New Apple TV across the top, with snow playing on the screen
The source for the page is pretty basic, just loading a background image and the gif of snow.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The new Apple TV</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: #5c3302; }
h1 { color: white; }
.tv { position: relative; margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; width: 471px; height: 616px; background-image: url(/images/mac.png); }
.screen { width: 322px; height: 237px; position: absolute; left: 72px; top: 80px; }
<center><h1>The new Apple TV</h1></center>
<div class="tv">
<img src="/images/tv.gif" class="screen" />

I was pretty stuck here and had no idea what to do, so I googled around for a starting point and came across this thread on reddit

The comment from Pharisaeus got me going down the right track

Basically he points out the fact that a gif is just a series of static images and its possible to extract them.

So I downloaded the GIF and uploaded it to this website which split it out for me into individual frames

Armed with that and the comment about trying to XOR the images, lead me to believe that somewhere in these thirty frames I might be able to combine two in such a way that I might see something in the resulting file

Now I spent the better part of a morning learning how to manipulate images in python and brushing up on file manipulation in windows with python too

I decided to create a script that would take each file combine it with another file and output them to a folder

Psudo logic take frame 1 overlay frame 2 write it to a file then, frame 1 overalyed with frame 3 write it to file… rinse and repeat for every combination that could made of two of these files.

I came up with the python script that does that

import os
from PIL import Image

#load the frames into a list
mylist = os.listdir('C:\\Temp\\frames')
#set a starting path for the original frames
OrigPath = ('C:\\Temp\\frames')

ListLength = len(mylist)
ListLength = ListLength-1
print("Count is: ",ListLength)
counter = 0
while counter < ListLength:
    #defin a new path for where we will output the combined files
    newpath = "C:\\Temp\\frames\\" + str(counter)
    counter_nested = 1
    #make  a new folder for each starting frame
    while counter_nested < ListLength:
        tempbackground = OrigPath + "\\" + mylist[counter]
        tempoverlay = OrigPath + "\\" +mylist[counter_nested]

        background =
        overlay =
        background = background.convert("RGBA")
        overlay = overlay.convert("RGBA")
        new_name = mylist[counter] + " " + mylist[counter_nested]

        #create new name for combined file and write to disk
        new_fullpath = newpath + "\\" + new_name +".png"
        print("writting file : ",new_fullpath)
        new_img = Image.blend(background, overlay, 0.5),"PNG")
        counter_nested +=1
    counter +=1

So now what I have is a directory with a sub directory for every starting frame, contained in there is an overlay for each of the frames combine with the starting frame

Now I just manually looked at the resulting combined images to see if any of them was anything but snow.

In the first folder 0
I see a face in file Frame_00 Frame_06.png

So with that I’m pretty sure that my assumptions were correct, I just had to look at the resulting 870 pictures till I find something that can point me to the flag

I found it in folder 17
File frame_17 frame_25 I see this picture wit the flag information



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