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Ringzer0 - Java Script - Then obfuscation is more secure

Ringzer0 - Java Script - Then obfuscation is more secure

Objective:  Get that Flag


Ok so this is another Java Script challenge so the first thing I did was look in the source code for some java script

Found it!

var _0xc360=["\x76\x61\x6C","\x23\x63\x70\x61\x73\x73","\x61\x6C\x6B\x33","\x30\x32\x6C\x31","\x3F\x70\x3D","\x69\x6E\x64\x65\x78\x4F\x66","\x68\x72\x65\x66","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x3C\x64\x69\x76\x20\x63\x6C\x61\x73\x73\x3D\x27\x65\x72\x72\x6F\x72\x27\x3E\x57\x72\x6F\x6E\x67\x20\x70\x61\x73\x73\x77\x6F\x72\x64\x20\x73\x6F\x72\x72\x79\x2E\x3C\x2F\x64\x69\x76\x3E","\x68\x74\x6D\x6C","\x23\x63\x72\x65\x73\x70\x6F\x6E\x73\x65","\x63\x6C\x69\x63\x6B","\x2E\x63\x5F\x73\x75\x62\x6D\x69\x74"];$(_0xc360[12])[_0xc360[11]](function (){var _0xf382x1=$(_0xc360[1])[_0xc360[0]]();var _0xf382x2=_0xc360[2];if(_0xf382x1==_0xc360[3]+_0xf382x2){if(document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]][_0xc360[5]](_0xc360[4])==-1){document[_0xc360[7]]=document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]]+_0xc360[4]+_0xf382x1;} ;} else {$(_0xc360[10])[_0xc360[9]](_0xc360[8]);} ;} );  

Looks like a bunch of hex, Lets see if we can translate any of this to ascii

I used this site

which gave me this code

var _0xc360=["val","#cpass","alk3","02l1","?p=","indexOf","href","location","<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>","html","#cresponse","click",".c_submit"];$(_0xc360[12])[_0xc360[11]](function (){var _0xf382x1=$(_0xc360[1])[_0xc360[0]]();var _0xf382x2=_0xc360[2];if(_0xf382x1==_0xc360[3]+_0xf382x2){if(document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]][_0xc360[5]](_0xc360[4])==-1){document[_0xc360[7]]=document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]]+_0xc360[4]+_0xf382x1;} ;} else {$(_0xc360[10])[_0xc360[9]](_0xc360[8]);} ;} );

so some of this was definitely just hex obfuscation

It looks like we are declaring  a list and then doing some if then else statements on the list

Here it is a little cleaned up to format the way I would expect JS ( I have done any java script in about a decade so I'm just using some common sense here to try to map out the code)

var _0xc360=["val","#cpass","alk3","02l1","?p=","indexOf","href","location","<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>","html","#cresponse","click",".c_submit"];
function ()
{var _0xf382x1=$(_0xc360[1])[_0xc360[0]]();
var _0xf382x2=_0xc360[2];
if(_0xf382x1==_0xc360[3]+_0xf382x2){if(document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]][_0xc360[5]](_0xc360[4])==-1){document[_0xc360[7]]=document[_0xc360[7]][_0xc360[6]]+_0xc360[4]+_0xf382x1;} ;}
else {$(_0xc360[10])[_0xc360[9]](_0xc360[8]);} ;} );

now I just used a little RE trick to replace variable names with something a bit more meaningful

like for example 0xc360 is a list so I'm going to rename all instances of that with VarList
so I can have an easier time figuring out what is going on

now I got

var VarList=["val","#cpass","alk3","02l1","?p=","indexOf","href","location","<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>","html","#cresponse","click",".c_submit"];
function ()
{var _0xf382x1=$(VarList[1])[VarList[0]]();
var _0xf382x2=VarList[2];
if(_0xf382x1==VarList[3]+_0xf382x2){if(document[VarList[7]][VarList[6]][VarList[5]](VarList[4])==-1){document[VarList[7]]=document[VarList[7]][VarList[6]]+VarList[4]+_0xf382x1;} ;}
else {$(VarList[10])[VarList[9]](VarList[8]);} ;} );

There are a couple more variable declarations I can rename to help clear it up a bit more

I'll rename 0xf382x1 to VarVar1
and oxf382x2 to VarVar2

ok now with all that ugly hex and crazy variables out of the way I can kind of start to see whats going here

var VarList=["val","#cpass","alk3","02l1","?p=","indexOf","href","location","<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>","html","#cresponse","click",".c_submit"];
function ()
{var VarVar1=$(VarList[1])[VarList[0]]();
var _VarVar2=VarList[2];
if(VarVar1==VarList[3]+_VarVar2){if(document[VarList[7]][VarList[6]][VarList[5]](VarList[4])==-1){document[VarList[7]]=document[VarList[7]][VarList[6]]+VarList[4]+VarVar1;} ;}
else {$(VarList[10])[VarList[9]](VarList[8]);} ;} );

next I'm going to replace the VarList[*] with their corresponding values in the list to see if we can figure out exactly whats going on

var VarList=["val","#cpass","alk3","02l1","?p=","indexOf","href","location","<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>","html","#cresponse","click",".c_submit"];
function ()
{var VarVar1=$(#cpass)[val]();
var _VarVar2=alk3;
{if(document[Location][href][indexof](?p=)==-1){document[Location]=document[Location][href]+?p=+VarVar1;} ;}
else {$(#cresponse)[html](<div class='error'>Wrong password sorry.</div>);} ;} );

I'm going to focus on that first If statement because it looks like its checking to see if we are supplying the correct password

if VarVar1 == 02l1 + VarVar2

lets parse that out a bit more

if VarVar1 = 02l1 + alk3

if VarVar1 = 02l1alk3

so its comparing the password to 02l1alk3

lets see if that works

that got us the flag



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