Hackthebox.eu - Retired - Irked
As always I start with staged nmap scans. The first scan is a simple up/down scan on all tcp ports
# nmap -T4 -p- -oX /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapb.xml
Then I convert it to HTML to make it pretty
xsltproc /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapb.xml -o /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapb.html
We found the following TCP ports open to put in our next scan
Next we run with -A to finger the OS/Services
# nmap -T4 -A -p22,80,111,6697,8067,56314,65534 -oX /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapf.xml
Then convert that to HTML also
xsltproc /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapf.xml -o /root/Desktop/HTB/irked/nmapf.html
Here is what we get when browsing to port 80
Dirb got me nothing except some default apache manuals…
I don't know what the unrealIRCd is
A quick google search
Ok its an IRC
So a quick search on searchsploit I find
Lets just fire up metasploit and see if its vulnerable
Will load up the module
Check the options
Set the rhost to match the target
Tried to run, but no love… wait a minute that's not the right port. Ours is running on 6697
Let's change that
Well I guess it was vulnerable to that exploit

Let's poke around and see what we can find
Here i found I was able to access the djmardov directory. I dont' have permissions to read the user.txt..
But there is another file name .backup it says
Super elite steg backup pw
Steg password huh?
There are no pictures in the Pictures directory.
But there was one one the site on port 80 lets see if it has steganography in it.
Let's download it to our computer and see
First I had to install steghide
Apt-get install steghide
It did find a file in the picture, let's see what it says
Now I'm going to try to ssh as djmardov with this password
Cool it worked
Let's start by getting that user flag
Now how about root…..

I transferred LinEnum.sh to the box to see what we might be able to use for escalation.
I found this file viewuser
Which runs as root, that we have access to
What does it do?
It runs a file in tmp called list users…… as root right? And we can write to tmp so this sounds promising
Let's make a listusers file and run it again.
To test our theory, i just made a file that does a whoami and reads the shadow file since my user doesn't have access to that file
cat /etc/shadow
Cool it works
You can see the result here first outputs root as a result of the whomai
And then reads the /etc/shadow file
So let's modify again to grab the root.txt file again to get our hash
So here are the results now when I run viewuser
We got our root hash
But I really want root… like for real
I changed my listusers to dump the passwd and shadow file
djmardov@irked:/tmp$ cat listusers
echo "etc/passwd"
cat /etc/passwd
echo "ect/sahd"
cat /etc/shadow
I copied the output locally into a passwd and shadow file on my desktop
Used unshadow to combine the files to send over to John
unshadow ./passwd ./shadow > john.irked.db
This might not work or might take forever. I'll update if I get the password….

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