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Hack The Box - Retired - Nest - retired- nest


As always I start with a simple up/down scan on all TCP ports to see what is open

 nmap -T4 -p- -oX ./nmapb.xml nest.htb

Then I convert that to HTML to make it pretty

That is very few ports open.

Lets scan those ports again with the -A switch to see if we can get anymore info

# nmap -T4 -p445,4386 -A -oX ./nmapf.xml nest.htb

Then convert that output to HTML also

xsltproc ./nmapf.xml -o ./nmapf.html

So looks like a windows box with SMB on 445 and something called reporting services on 44386

Let’s start with the SMB and see what we can find out

Smbclient -L \\\\nest.htb

Cool looks like we can list anonymously.

Let’s see if we can connect up to anything.

Let’s start with users that sounds very promising.

# smbclient \\\\nest.htb\\Users

We were able to connect to it anonymously and at the very least have some data leakage here, we now now some user names on the system.






Unfortunately that’s all we get from this user folder. We get access denied when trying to list any contents for these folders

Alright what about the data drive?

We can connect to it anonymously also

We don’t have rights to list the directory for most things in here…. But we can access Shared

Under Templates/HR I found a file named Welcome Email.txt

I downloaded it and looked at the contents.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest member of staff, <FIRSTNAME> <SURNAME>

You will find your home folder in the following location: 


If you have any issues accessing specific services or workstations, please inform the 

IT department and use the credentials below until all systems have been set up for you.

Username: TempUser

Password: welcome2019

Thank you


Some possible creds… Let's see if we can find anything else on this shared drive.

I found another file under Maintenance named “Maintenance Alerts”

It contents just said

There is currently no scheduled maintenance work

Let’s move on to exploit to see if we can use these creds for anything


So to recap we might have creds for TempUser

Username: TempUser

Password: welcome2019

Let’s see if we can get some more info out of the users folder with these creds

smbclient \\\\nest.htb\\users -U "TempUser"

Yup there is a new text document in that folder

Well I did a “get” on the file and noticed something I might have seen earlier…

It's zero size…. Nothing in there..

Well at least we know those are good creds… and it looks like a pretty generic password I wonder if any of the other users haven’t changed their passwords.

I’ll just try to connect to the same SMB shares users with each user account and that same welcome2019 password  - Although it looks like Csmith started in 2020 so I’ll try two versions for that one.

R.Thomspon hasn’t reset their password

So yay that’s two accounts we have

Well not so fast, I went into his directory and couldn’t dir the folder so maybe not. Apparently any account (Which we found out earlier with anonymous) can list this directory. Even with a bad password.

On to the next

Same story for L.frost. I can login with any password has that user and connect to the smb… do they not have passwords set?

But C.Smith won’t let me login to the smb with a password

This is weird

Administrator did the same thing. I got logon failures with bad or no passwords.

So let’s look at the other port we found open


Looks kinda like its a web server let’s try pulling up the port

Eventually we get this message

HQK Reporting Service v1.2

Let’s see if we can capture anything in burpsuite

Couldn’t figure out a way to use burp to interact with this, or firefox for that matter.

What if we try to connect to that port another way?

Nc nest.htb 4386

This looks like it did something but it wouldn’t respond to anything I tried

What about telnet?

# telnet nest.htb 4386

That’s better

Ok now let’s try and figure out how to use this

I could use setdir .. to move back in the os. But couldn’t figure out much here at this path so I went back to the smb shares we found with the temp users

I connected up to \\nest.htb\data as tempuser

I went back into the IT folder and did a get command for every file I could find in this shared. Eventually I found this RUL_Config.xml in the configs/RU Scanner folder.

It contained this


That sure looks like a password for C.smith

But what is the format? I tried straight base64 but it looked like gibberish


I also found this file config.xml

Which has some recent file information towards the bottom of the file

I know we can’t get to the Secure\IT folder…. But what about Carl? Sometimes NTFS folder permissions aren’t inherited all the way down, especially when there are nested levels of folder permissions under the root folder. Sometimes the Permissions at the top of a share are more restrictive than those below.

I connected back to the smb secure$ as our tempuse

And we could CD straight to that folder. I’m just going to download all the files here, because there is most likely something here that will help us in our journey

Here is a site I found that told me how to download the whole folder in smbclient

 smbclient '\\server\share'

    mask ""

    recurse ON

    prompt OFF

    cd 'path\to\remote\dir'

    lcd '~/path/to/download/to/'

    mget *

So modified for my purpose now

    recurse ON

    prompt OFF

    lcd /root/Desktop/HTB/nest/Carl

    mget *

In the folders we downloaded we found a project named RU

Which is probably related to the RU config file we found earlier in our search, you remember the one with the base64 looking password?


There is a utils.vb which looks like it has both and encrypt and decrypt function that reads from that XML file

Specifically this bit



 Public Shared Function DecryptString(EncryptedString As String) As String

     If String.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptedString) Then

         Return String.Empty


         Return Decrypt(EncryptedString, "N3st22", "88552299", 2, "464R5DFA5DL6LE28", 256)

     End If

End Function



Which looks like it passes a string to a decrypt function along with some other data.


Here is the decrypt function


Public Shared Function Decrypt(ByVal cipherText As String, _

                                ByVal passPhrase As String, _

                                ByVal saltValue As String, _

                                 ByVal passwordIterations As Integer, _

                                ByVal initVector As String, _

                                ByVal keySize As Integer) _

                        As String


     Dim initVectorBytes As Byte()

     initVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(initVector)


     Dim saltValueBytes As Byte()

     saltValueBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(saltValue)


     Dim cipherTextBytes As Byte()

     cipherTextBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText)


     Dim password As New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passPhrase, _

                                        saltValueBytes, _



     Dim keyBytes As Byte()

     keyBytes = password.GetBytes(CInt(keySize / 8))


     Dim symmetricKey As New AesCryptoServiceProvider

     symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC


     Dim decryptor As ICryptoTransform

     decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes)


     Dim memoryStream As IO.MemoryStream

     memoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes)


     Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream

     cryptoStream = New CryptoStream(memoryStream, _

                                     decryptor, _



     Dim plainTextBytes As Byte()

     ReDim plainTextBytes(cipherTextBytes.Length)


     Dim decryptedByteCount As Integer

     decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, _

                                            0, _






     Dim plainText As String

     plainText = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(plainTextBytes, _

                                         0, _



     Return plainText

End Function




Which is really the only thing we care about here so let’s create new modifying this a bit to take this encrypted value we have and pass it through this decryption function



Here is what I ended up with, I used this website to compile and run the code



Imports System.Text

Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Imports System

Public Class Utils




    Public Sub Main()

    Console.WriteLine(Decrypt("fTEzAfYDoz1YzkqhQkH6GQFYKp1XY5hm7bjOP86yYxE=", "N3st22", "88552299", 2, "464R5DFA5DL6LE28", 256))

    Console.WriteLine("Hello World")

    End Sub




  Public Shared Function Decrypt(ByVal cipherText As String, _

                                ByVal passPhrase As String, _

                                ByVal saltValue As String, _

                                 ByVal passwordIterations As Integer, _

                                ByVal initVector As String, _

                                ByVal keySize As Integer) _

                        As String


     Dim initVectorBytes As Byte()

     initVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(initVector)


     Dim saltValueBytes As Byte()

     saltValueBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(saltValue)


     Dim cipherTextBytes As Byte()

     cipherTextBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText)


     Dim password As New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passPhrase, _

                                        saltValueBytes, _



     Dim keyBytes As Byte()

     keyBytes = password.GetBytes(CInt(keySize / 8))


     Dim symmetricKey As New AesCryptoServiceProvider

     symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC


     Dim decryptor As ICryptoTransform

     decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes)


     Dim memoryStream As IO.MemoryStream

     memoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes)


     Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream

     cryptoStream = New CryptoStream(memoryStream, _

                                     decryptor, _



     Dim plainTextBytes As Byte()

     ReDim plainTextBytes(cipherTextBytes.Length)


     Dim decryptedByteCount As Integer

     decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, _

                                            0, _






     Dim plainText As String

     plainText = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(plainTextBytes, _

                                         0, _



     Return plainText

End Function


End Class


Here is the output



Hello World


So it looks like xRxRxPANCAK3SxRxRx is the password for C.Smith

So I tried that on smb for c.smith and

We got in

Hacked Internet GIF

So now we have c.smith’s creds too

Username: c.smith

Password: xRxRxPANCAK3SxRxRx

Let’s connect up to the user share and see if there is anything in Chris’ folder

smbclient \\\\nest.htb\\users -U c.smith

There is the user.txt

I did a get on the file

User hash down.

Let's keep looking.

Under HQK Reporting there is a file named “Debug Mode Password” with a zero file size

Another file with zero size… What can that mean?

Well it could be the data is in an alternate data stream which is possible with an NTFS formatted drive.

I found this posting which we can use to see if there is an alternate data stream on a file

smbclient -U USER //IP/Share -c 'allinfo "ADS_FILE"' 

So modified to work in our scenario

smbclient -U c.smith \\\\nest.htb\\users\\ -D "C.Smith\\HQK Reporting\\" -c 'allinfo "Debug Mode Password.txt"' xRxRxPANCAK3SxRxR

And we see this

There is an alternate data stream…. What about that file New Text Document we found in the tempuser folder earlier?

# smbclient \\\\nest.htb\\users\\ -U "TempUser" -D "TempUser" -c 'allinfo "New Text Document.txt"'

Nope that was actually just an empty document. Good to know

Ok back to Debug Mode Password.txt

After verifying they were using an ADS to hide some data in the file I connected back up to SMB 

# smbclient \\\\nest.htb\\users -U C.Smith

Went to the folder and changed my Get to include the stream

get "Debug Mode Password.txt:Password:$DATA"

Which gave me this file

Which I guess is the Debug password for the HQK service we found earlier  


At first I just put in junk for the password to see if that would give an error for wrong password and it did

Then when I supplied the right password it said invalid number of arguments

Sooooo…. I was stuck here for literally hours… turns out my copy paste of the password included a space at the end..

Yay new things!

I remembered from poking around earlier an LDAP folder so I did 

Setdir .. to back a folder level and into the ldap folder

Then did showquery on 2



BaseOu=OU=WBQ Users,OU=Production,DC=nest,DC=local



Also got this Debug password again.

I wonder if we can just feed that new hash we found into that same decyption program we used earlier… Surely this programmer would not go through the trouble of inventing new decryption processes for a different program right?

Well apparently they did

Poking around on C.smith on SMB there is an executable named HqkLdap.exe under the AD Integration Module

I downloaded that file to a windows machine and use this decompiler to take a look under the hood

I saw this function in the code which was very similar to the other function

Well I wonder if I just need to change these values in the decrypt function of our modified vb from earlier?

Yup that is exactly what we need to do.


According to the XML file for ldap we found earlier this should be the password for the admin account.

Let’s connect up to smb using administrator and this password and see if we can get the root hash.

It worked!!

Let’s get that hash


That was fun, I liked having to modify that VB code, and decompile the other one.

Fun box!!

David Rose Dancing GIF by Schitt's Creek


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