Hackthebox - Retired - arctic
I've been using Threader3000 for my recon scan lately. It's written in python and does a really quick up/down scan on all TCP. Then it will run an nmap scan based on the initial results. It saves all the outputs automatically.
I like to convert the xml of the nmap scan to HTML to make it pretty.
Just 3 ports 135, 8500 and 49154
135 and 49154 are probably RPC I tried enum4linux to see if we got any info back as anonymous user
So what is port 8500? Nmap says its fmtp never heard of it.
When I see a port I don't know about I usually try to netcat to it like it as a telnet session or use curl or a web browser just to see if anything shows up.
Netcat was nothing….. But
There was a response in curl
Let's try firefox.
What is CFIDE?
A quick google search found
Which says it might be a coldfusion. I tried to admin url in the web post.
Looks like this is cold fusion… but what is cold fusion?
Googling around for cold fusion 8 exploit I found this LFI on this blog
If we go to this path it should give us the hash for the admin password.
Hashid says this could be a sha-1
Let's throw it at hashcat and see if we can get this plaintext password. The one thing that I always have to look at is the mode for hashcat. I can never remember off the top of my head what the mode number is for all these different types of hashes.
So we can do
I saved the hash in a file name hash on my kali box.
I like to save out hashcat results to a file to keep records and it's easier than remembering how to access cracked hashes in hashcat :)
It says it was able to crack it. Let's check the cracked file to see what it is.
The admin password is happyday
Let's try to login with it
Ok now what can we do in here?
When I get stuck I like to google the name of the service I'm trying to leverage and pentest. There are lots of great resources out there from people who have tackled these services before that can usually give you a path forward.
In doing that process this time I found this site.
Here they talk about using the scheduled task to upload a mailuous cfml file to the server using a web server we control and running it as a scheduled task. Seems pretty straightforward and easy, they even give you an example web shell to use.
I made a copy of the webshell on my kali box and named it shell.cfml
Now we will just use a newer tool than python's SimpleHTTPServer, it's called Updog and can installed using pip3
Then we just start it from the directory we stored our web shell in.
It starts on port 9090
Now we just need to create a scheduled task that will download the malicious file from us so we can get command execution.
Well start by choosing Scheduled tasks, then Schedule New Task
The dates and time look weird on this box so just ignore them we can run this on demand after we get it created.
I followed along with the blog and got an error
It's saying C:\inetpub\wwwroot doesn't exist.
Well that kind of makes sense, we didn't see IIS on port 80 so that directory probably doesn't exist.
So now we need to find what the installation directory for coldfusion 8 is, luckily that was just a google search away.
From the Adobe installation guide.
And the admin page is in \CFIDE\
So let's put it in there since we should have access to it.
No errors that time
We can see our task now
Now green icon to run our script, which will hopefully move our webshell to a location we can get to it.
Let's see if we can get to our shell.cfml file
So the CFIDE directory is browsable so its easy to see if we the shell.
But we get an error when we try to run it
Crap, well this is part of the process. I leave these fails in my write ups sometimes just as a reminder that not everything we try is going to work. We might try 100 iterations of something before we can get it to fire correctly and that is just all part of the process.
Eventually I found a cold fusion shell that works…. Most of the notes are in russian sooooooo..
Used the scheduled tasks to upload it to coldfusion.. There is a login page if you use this shell
Username: root
Password: ololo
This looks like a pretty solid web shell, we can get directories, upload files, download files, run commands and looks like we can get to sql all straight from this web shell.
Well… Good News and Bad news.
Good news, can can get in a user named tolis's home folder and get user.txt straight from the shell.
Bad News… Cmd Execution isn't working
Ok well technically it looks like it may work, it might just be the output of the commands that's not working given the error.
I think the commands are still executing, we just aren't getting the output of the commands.
Next I tried
Then I browsed to the location to see if it created the directory.

Nope.. ok fine I give up on cold fusion shells
We should be able to use a java reverse shell here to get a foothold on the box.
First we need to generate a jsp file using msfvenom
Now we just edit our scheduled task to be shell.jsp
Setup our listener in Kali
Now it shows in the directory (plus all of our other attempts)
If we click on shell.jsp we will hopefully get a shell back on our netcat listener.
And we do ( thankfully)
Ok so now we have a shell as the user tolis we can read the user.txt file from their Desktop directory
Cool now we just need to find our path to administrator…
I used my updog server to download a copy of winpeas.bat onto arctic
And used certutil to download it to arctic
Winpeas shows a bunch of unpatched vulns that we might be able to use to escalate our privilege here.
Well I'm familiar with MS10-59 ChimiChurri and I already have the exploit downloaded to my kali box. But if you don't you can find it here.
Now I just copy into the same folder I'm running updog from.
Then use certutil.exe to download the file to arctic.
This Exploit creates a reverse shell as System so we need to setup another listener, and tell the exploit where to send the reverse shell.
Our new listener.
Then on Arctic we run the exploit using.
Now if we check our new listener..
We do have a shell as system. We should be able to get the root flag now.
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