HackTheBox - Retired - Granny - updated
I've been using threader 3000 for my recon scans lately. It's a threaded scanner written in python that does a super quick up/down scan on all TCP ports. Then it suggests a nmap scan based on the results of the initial scan. It also saves the nmap scan as an xml file.
Like I said, this automatically generates and xml out this nmap output. I like to convert that to HTML to make it easier to read.
Only port 80 is open, nmap thinks its IIS 6.0… so windows
Let's try to browse to it, to see what the server is showing us.
An under construction page.
Let's use dirb to see if we can find any other things on the server via brute force.
Some directories we have access to but not much to help us get our foothold.
Let's try searching for exploits for IIS 6.0
The first result is for a webdav, we can use davtest to see if webdav is running on this box.
It is running and we can put some arbitrary files on the system using it. We can put a lot of different file types on the server, but only txt and html can actually be executed… shame this would have been a really easy foothold if we could have used aspx or jsp

Then I came across exploit
Webdav CVE-2017-7269
It's a reverse shell written in python to exploit and gain a remote shell.
Here is what is says for usage
Let's setup our listener on our kali box first.
Nc -lnvp 5555
So our command would look like.
Let's run it and see if we can get a shell back.
This looks good no errors
What about our listener?
Looks like we are connected as network service.
We can't get to either of the flags
Let's get some more info about our user
And get some info about the system.
A server 2003 box with only one hotfix installed. That should mean there are a whole lot of unpatched vulnerabilities on this box.
Let's copy this systeminfo to our Kali box so we can use windows exploit suggester.
I made a copy of the python on my kali box and ran the first common needed to get this tool working which is to download the current list of patches so it can compare it to what is not installed on granny.
Now we can supply the tool with both the new file it downloaded and our output of systeminfo
Here is the usage
So we need to give it
-d the xls it downloaded
-i our systeminfo file
And just like we thought there are a whole lot of unpatched vulnerabilities on the system.
In this tool if there is a [E] that means there is an exploit on the internet that can exploit this vuln
If there is a [M] that means there is an exploit baked into metasploit that will allow you to exploit the vuln.
So now we will do a process of trying these different exploits.
I tried at first to use updog to server the files as webpages on my kali box and using certutil to download them onto granny, but i got an error on granny.
So then I tried to use impacket's smbserver.py
Then we can just use copy on granny to copy the files down to the system.
I wound up using the same exploit I used for Grandpa to own Granny
I used smb to copy churrasco.exe over to granny
And Netcat
I then setup a new listener on my kali box
Then from granny ran this to get my reverse shell as SYSTEM
The shell doesn't last very long, less than a minute but it's enough time to get our flags.
And here are our flags
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