HackTheBox.eu - Sunday - Retired - Update
I've been using threader3000 for my recon scans lately. It's a staged scanner that does a super quick up/down scan on all TCP and then based on what is up suggests an nmap scan to run against just the open ports. It automatically save the nmap scan as XML which I then convert to HTML
That is some strange results
Nmap says just port 79, 22022, 59822 are open.
It says 79 is finger and has no guess about the other two or what OS might be running here…
Not a lot to go on here. So I just googled finger and pentest and it turns out you can maybe enumerate users with finger. Let's try it.
At first I used a script from
It was running really slow until I saw the switch that lets you change the threads -m
I used the list from
Looks like we got back 12 results from the list we tried.
What about the other two ports…. If i don't know what they are I usually just try to netcat to them and see if there is any response.
Looks 22022 is a ssh server… ok
What about 59822
Ok let's regroup, we have a list of possible users and we have SSH running on 22022… that's it, that is all we got.. I guess we need to try to login to ssh as one of the 12 usernames we got, but we don't know what the passwords are.
Let's just try to login with admin/admin
But we got an error aback
A quick google search of the error came back with this result
Let's give it a shot and see if we get any further.
Cool we got further that time, we just needed to tell ssh to use diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
But the user admin/admin didn't work. No worries.
Well let's see if we can brute force this with hyda and get a login. This took forever.
I ran hydra with each user name with the rockyou word list. Finally I got a hit back with sunny
Let's try to SSH in as sunny with this password now
Yay we got our foothold

And sunday can run a executable called /root/troll with no passwd
Hmmmm there is no user.txt in Sunny's folder…. I guess there is a second user we need to get into now, maybe that sammy account?
Well There is a shadows.backup that we can read in /backups/, maybe we can use that in combination with /etc/passwd to get sammy's password.
I copied this and /etc/passwd to my kali box.
Now that we have both of these files we can use unshadow to format them in a way that JohntheRipper can work with.
** Editorial note - This box is slow as….. something.******
So what unshadow does is combine the passwd file and the shadow file together
No we can feed this into john
We got back sunny's password which we already knew was sunday.
But we also got back sammy's which is cooldude!
Let's open another SSH session as sammy.
Sammy can run wget as root with no password
So one user can potentially download a file as root, and the other user can execute a file as root….
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Can we use sammy to overwrite /root/troll
And then execute it as sunday

But first let's grab that user.txt from sammy's desktop
Let's use msfvenom to build a solaris executable for a reverse shell
Then let's setup our listener and server to serve this over to sunday
Then I just used updog to serve this over to sunday
Then as sammy did this wget to grab my reverse shell and overwrite the /root/troll executable
Then as soon as that downloaded I went back to sunny and executed the sudo command to run the executable
No errors good, if you see errors it might be that your /root/troll was over written in the time it took you to execute the /root/troll command.
But we check back on the listener and.
We got our shell back as root.
I tried this method the first time I got this box and had trouble getting my reverse shell in time so I ended up using Sammy to overwrite the sudoers file to give sunny sudo rights to su with no passwd.
Then just used su to change to root
What if we overwrite the sudoers file to allow sunny to have access to more than just /root/troll….. What if perhaps we overwrite it to allow su without a password
We know from our outputs earlier we have
At least these two things in the sudoers file
sammy ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wget
sunny ALL=(root) NOPASSWSD: /root/troll
And we can assume that root has all privileges also
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
Lets format that
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
sammy ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wget
sunny ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /root/troll
Ok so if we edit that to have sunny get /su with no password
sunny ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su
So then we would have this
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
sammy ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wget
sunny ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su
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