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Showing posts with the label Ringzer0

Ringzer0 CTF – Web - Words mean something?

Ringzer0 CTF – Web   - Words mean something? Objective: Find that flag yo Just a bunch of what looks like Latin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam commodo risus lobortis diam molestie, varius vestibulum lacus condimentum. Phasellus fringilla, leo at ornare tristique, est elit lobortis dolor, a placerat tortor eros nec elit. Suspendisse feugiat, enim ac hendrerit malesuada, libero lectus rutrum tellus, ut faucibus sem odio non nunc. Vestibulum dignissim magna et felis laoreet viverra. Integer sodales tellus molestie suscipit feugiat. Praesent quis elit tristique nisl laoreet elementum eu nec felis. Fusce nunc enim, rhoncus at metus sed, accumsan accumsan augue. Nunc venenatis tempor mi sit amet tempus. Maecenas luctus lacus mi, id pretium magna feugiat eu. Aenean euismod ante at neque rhoncus, eget dapibus nisi lacinia. Aenean vulputate risus id velit interdum vulputate. Mauris id rhoncus dolor. Solution: So my first thought was that

Ringzer0 CTF - Cryptography - Martian Message 2

RingZer0CTF   - Cryptography – Martian Message part 2 Objective: I think that's the key "fselkladfklklakl" KDERE2UNX1W1H96GYQNUSQT1KPGB Solution: So we have the key and the encrypted message we just need to figure out what kind of encryption was used to get the key I used this website with their Vigenere cipher to decode it FLAGU2JNU1R1X96VOFNKHLB1GEWQ

RingZer0 CTF – Cryptography – Fashion Victim

RingZer0 – Cryptography – Fashion Victim Objective: Get the flag Solution: On this page we see a picture of a on old apple computer with the tag of The New Apple TV across the top, with snow playing on the screen The source for the page is pretty basic, just loading a background image and the gif of snow. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>The new Apple TV</title> </head> <body> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #5c3302; } h1 { color: white; } .tv { position: relative; margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; width: 471px; height: 616px; background-image: url(/images/mac.png); } .screen { width: 322px; height: 237px; position: absolute; left: 72px; top: 80px; } </style> <center><h1>The new Apple TV</h1></center>

RingZero CTF - Forensics – Public Key Recovery

RingZero CTF - Forensics – Public Key Recovery Objective: Get the public key given the private key -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXgIBAAKBgQDwkrxVrZ+KCl1cX27SHDI7EfgnFJZ0qTHUD6uEeSoZsiVkcu0/ XOPbz1RtpK7xxpKMSnH6uDc5On1IEw3A127wW4Y3Lqqwcuhgypd3Sf/bH3z4tC25 eqr5gA1sCwSaEw+yBxdnElBNOXxOQsST7aZGDyIUtmpouI1IXqxjrDx2SQIDAQAB AoGBAOwd6PFitnpiz90w4XEhMX/elCOvRjh8M6bCNoKP9W1A9whO8GJHRnDgXio6 /2XXktBU5OfCVJk7uei6or4J9BvXRxQpn1GvOYRwwQa9E54GS0Yu1XxTPtnBlqKZ KRbmVNpv7eZyZfYG+V+/f53cgu6M4U3SE+9VTlggfZ8iSqGBAkEA/XvFz7Nb7mIC qzQpNmpKeN4PBVRJBXqHTj0FcqQ5POZTX6scgE3LrxVKSICmm6ungenPXQrdEQ27 yNQsfASFGQJBAPL2JsjakvTVUIe2JyP99CxF5WuK2e0y6N2sU3n9t0lde9DRFs1r mhbIyIGZ0fIkuwZSOqVGb0K4W1KWypCd8LECQQCRKIIc8R9iIepZVGONb8z57mA3 sw6l/obhfPxTrEvC3js8e+a0atiLiOujHVlLqD8inFxNcd0q2OyCk05uLsBxAkEA vWkRC3z7HExAn8xt7y1Ickt7c7+n7bfGuyphWbVmcpeis0SOVk8QrbqSNhdJCVGB TIhGmBq1GnrHFzffa6b1wQJAR7d8hFRtp7uFx5GFFEpFIJvs/SlnXPvOIBmzBvjU yGglag8za2A8ArHZwA1jXcFPawuJEmeZWo+5/MWp0j+yzQ== -----END RSA PRIVA

RingZero CTF - Forensics – File Recovery

RingZero CTF - Forensics – File Recovery Objective: This problem is a tar file Get the key Solution: Download the tar file Untar it We get two files in here a file name flag.enc and a file called private.pem This is what’s in the flag.enc file ” RøµìZ_ÝÎb0 ž ~ “ ñ This is what’s in the private.pem -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXAIBAAKBgQDFDxrLz/lBabo/JrRvKN47IRzUgm/LzG9zbn3g8HMnPIpy4ZOF fhjblvb8iNeFMbUIDAT2QmsqDRJhHH7xUVfC6DiYB3YuKJC/RBIHzqlBsxWXI5DF ikyS3yT6ThQap3JZEKE7fVXHHJmea4VrsRVhWG6ztoPYf+OfiMyzj0IV3QIDAQAB AoGAX1QnSmGZ2yMijlpS/1Nt7nzeTY+sNZL4d4cELkUj799BusGVdAbET7aAVTp9 yFl7kiD+ZYNMBFO+iGwYnPUU1sPSlFcS1YNu2S+4ds2ym1VfZu2drTN5qUIGIm22 2mgyOG1CSx421Ns4X5qIexkQ1gOnqaBuD7Mi3D19c5mK66ECQQDlt99Jcw7Jh1Gd TMy8cQ7EBI82YPedRP5SnAv0/sCIgcsBmbABO6WwCeS1BVjoicf+pPmIy3YkyiyO 8JIa9GJLAkEA25qwREClnm+2qIBRLal+pG8t7xZlEya+HrlX3ogThf/9GybfImzK ZQagbom3sDmRTeu6PhDhu4XZS7D4gfIPdwJANlDrsupJrM0aNx9ZqZTx8NdDJZB3 +++8Urwi96Lk02IdJhu4y